Why I Eat 100% Organic

When I first read about organic food 12 years ago I was really excited.  As a lifelong lover of all things natural and healthy, I eagerly ran out to the stores in search of this super clean food.  At the time there was much, much less available than there is now but nonetheless I quickly…

Here Goes…..

It has been almost four years since I have posted here.  So hello, lol. I have been going through so much.  Oh.My.Goodness. I guess that for a long while I assumed that at some point after my life “got better” that I would start writing here again.  The thing is, life is super uncertain and…


It’s that time of year again!  As some of you already know, my most favorite flower is the tulip!  And every year, I make a post dedicated to this particular blossom because it is just so beautiful and I want to share it! Seriously though, when is the last time you went and played with…

Healing in 2013…..Happy New Year!

Hi there marvelous, magical creatures! Here we are with another new year upon us.  Although I don’t always make “resolutions,” I do find that the new beginning can help me signify a change in my brain. So regardless of what I choose to do or how, I can use the opportunity to my advantage somehow!…

Fall, Cantaloupe Smoothies and Healing Services

Hi there everyone   🙂 So, it has been fall for a little over a month now.  The funny thing about fall is that it usually only seems to be about a month or so long around these parts!  At least the pretty part, that is.  After that, there are mostly bare trees for quite…

Beautiful Tulip Love….and Other Stuff :)

Hello there all of you amazing beings! So…..I have been a busy girl lately!  I have spent the last month and a half making big changes in my life, involving things like manifesting, moving, simplifying and some other pretty awesome stuff too!  I am super-excited about all of this and I will get into it…

YouTube Channel Alert!!!!

Hey there beautifuls….. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 So I have been working on my YouTube Channel.  This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while and in the past month or so I have finally been doing it!  I am super-excited to share it with you all! Now, don’t…

Stop and Smell the Tulips….

Hello there my beautiful friends! I realize it has been quite some time since I last posted.  I have been quite busy building some things in my life.  We live in a very busy world and for the most part these days, I would prefer to not be a part of that.  However, sometimes in life…

Happy 1st Birthday Vita-mix!

I was just thinking about how I have probably had my Vita-mix for about a year now, so I decided to check.  I found my receipt dated January 17, 2009, so I am just a few days late.  Oh, well.  Happy 1st Birthday Vita-mix!  Here she is: And another shot…. Here is an up-close of…